Creating Aliens

So instead of writing today I’ve been snooping the web for resources to help develop some alien races. Here are two that I found today (I’ll also be added them to my “Links and Fun Stuff” page for future reference): First Contact Report: Something every Science Fiction writer should do when creating an alien race.

UPDATE: This link no longer works. However you can check out this great article by i09 on How to Create a Scientifically Plausible Alien Lifeform. Alien Name Generator: Pick if you want the name to start with a Vowel or Consonant and hit refresh to come up with more options.

Not much of a post I know, but I just wanted to share before I forgot. Talk to you soon.

2 thoughts on “Creating Aliens

  1. Tina Hunter Reply

    Hi Marc,

    I've added the Seventh Sanctum to my “Links and Fun Stuff” Page. I've used their site before because they have great generators. My personal favorites are the: Tavern Name, Quick Character Profile, Quick Story Idea, Science Fiction Tools, Science Fiction Government Name, and the Weapon Generator… just to name a few 🙂

    Thanks for stopping by.

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